This Secret Spray Works On ANYTHING And Smells More Incredible Than Anything You Can Buy!

Have you ever noticed how everybody’s house seems to have its own particular scent. Some of them are absolutely wonderful to walk into, because they smell amazing as soon as you hit the door.

Up until the time that I discovered this secret, I had a difficult time capitalizing on that welcoming scent as well. Finally, I learned the secret and now things have changed. Believe it or not, there isn’t really all that much magic involved when it comes to making your house smell great. It doesn’t involve buying some type of expensive spray at the store either! In fact, you can make an inexpensive spray at home easily using the following recipe.

You will find it to be similar to Febreze but it is much better smelling. The best news is, you will spend well under one dollar per bottle and it will last just as long as Febreze or perhaps even longer. The real “secret ingredient” is actually Downy Unstoppables. These tiny beads contain a variety of scents and although they are usually used for laundry, they work quite well in this mixture.


Gather your ingredients:

1/4 cup of Downy beads
4 tablespoons of baking soda
1 cup of boiling water
Empty spray bottle


Put the beads into a bowl with the baking soda and pour the boiling water over it. Stir the mixture and wait for 30 seconds so the beads dissolve.


Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle using a funnel


This mixture can be used on almost anything in the home, including furniture, dog beds and even carpeting.


Once you begin using it, you will have that home that makes others envious.

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