1 Important Reason Why Police Want Women To Wear A Carabiner On Their Purse

Like many people, you probably enjoy going out shopping on occasion. It is not only something that many people do in order to purchase what they need, it is a recreational activity as well. It can be enjoyable and it is often a part of everyday life, regardless of whether you are at home or on vacation. The unfortunate thing about shopping for some people, however, is that it comes at an unexpected cost.

I’m not talking about the amount of money that you would spend when shopping, I’m talking about the opportunities that are opened up for unscrupulous individuals to take off with your purse and other valuables. This is especially true for women who tend to be targeted more frequently. After all, the purse is often left out in the open and it could easily be snatched by anyone who is looking for a quick score.

If you are looking for a way to keep your valuables from falling into this type of trap, the New Hampshire Police Department says that you need a little tool that you should carry with you at all times. It will protect your valuables anytime you are out shopping, regardless of whether it is a day at the mall or a quick trip to target.

Keep in mind that it only takes a moment for all of your valuables to disappear. Consider everything that you carry with you in your purse, including credit cards, cash and even pictures that may not be able to be replaced. By taking the following precautions, however, you can safeguard your valuables.

One thing you can do is to use the child safety strap that is often found in the shopping cart. If you don’t have a child that is already using the strap, simply slip it through your purse and it will be locked in place. When you secure your purse in this way, it helps to avoid serious problems.

You should also have a simple tool available as a backup plan, a carabiner. These little clips are often used for rock climbers but you can hook one on your purse and attach it to the shopping cart quite easily.

This may seem like a simple idea, but it is one that works quite well. It’s no wonder that the New Hampshire Police Department is putting out this message and it is being shared thousands of times.

If you want a foolproof way to avoid purse snatching, then leave your purse at home. A small wristlet is enough to carry some cash, your credit cards and your ID. You can always leave your cell phone in the car or put it in your pocket.

If you do have to have your purse with you when you’re shopping, then leave it in the trunk and lock it up tight. Only take the essentials into the store. Another option is to carry a cross body purse.

Consider your safety at all times and the safety of your valuables as well. By taking a few precautions, you can save yourself a lot of headaches.

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