It’s TRUE! Frozen Lemons Provide The Solution To Issues Such As Obesity And Diabetes

We have a variety of fruits available to suit almost any palette but one of the most beneficial fruits on the face of the earth is the lowly lemon. The health benefits that you can experience when you use lemons on a regular basis are unbelievable.

That isn’t even to mention the flavor and the unique scent of lemons, which makes them perfect for many recipes. Lemons are used for detoxification in the body but when you juice them, you lose many of the important nutrients that are found in the peel. Freezing is a much better option, because it gives you the opportunity to use the entire lemon. When you freeze a lemon and use it as is described below, it can help to treat bacterial infections, destroy parasites and worms and can even work in preventing cancer.

Here are some of the health benefits of lemon:
Prevention of asthma
Fighting inflammation
Detoxification of the kidneys and the liver
Boosting the immune system
Regulation of high blood pressure
Elimination of harmful bacteria
Treating depression and stress
Fighting cancer.

One of the beneficial parts of the lemon is the high levels of vitamin C found in the juice. The rind is what will eliminate toxins from the body. In fact, studies have shown the peel of a lemon contains up to 10 times more vitamins.

The study was done decades ago to determine if lemon can affect cancer. They found that the fruit eradicated malignant cells in a number of types of cancer, including breast, lung and colon cancer.

What is even better is the fact that lemons target only the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy, on the other hand, will also affect healthy cells.

Dr. Marilyn Glenville, a nutritionist and a woman’s health expert said that the peels of a number of fruits can boost the immune system and support health. Smoothies are a healthier choice than juices in her opinion, because it can contain the peel and other parts of the fruit.

If you have ever made a lemon smoothie, you will recognize that it does have a bitter taste. It is easier to freeze the lemon and use and in that way.

Wash and disinfect the lemon with apple cider vinegar. Rinse the lemon and leave it to dry. Put it in the freezer until the morning and then grate the entire fruit, including the pulp, peel and seeds.

You can add these frozen lemons to any dish, smoothie, dessert or baked goods. It is delicious and nutritious.

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