Research Has Now Confirmed That The Youngest Sibling Is The Funniest

When you have families with multiple children, you are going to see a wide variety of personalities. One of them is going to be serious, and another may be responsible but there will always be a jokester in the bunch.

It seems as if they are always trying to do something amusing and they are typically successful most of the time. Many people would think it would be the older sibling who is the funniest but research has shown that it is actually the youngest. The research comes from YouGov and reveals something that is quite surprising. When you consider the personality of all of the children in the family, it is the youngest child that typically is the funniest.

Part of the reason why that is the case is because the older child tends to be overwhelmed with responsibility. We have often suspected that birth order is associated with our character and it appears as if the job of the comedian goes to the last born.

The study mentioned the following:

“Splitting out the first and last born siblings in British families with more than one child (86 per cent of the population), a clear divide in personality traits emerges.”

One of the more interesting parts of the study is that 54% of the older children admitted that they had more responsibility than their younger brothers and sisters. The younger siblings, on the other hand, typically consider themselves to be funny and easy-going.

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