Police Officers Want Parents To Know This Special Tip For When You’re Out With Your Kids In Crowds

As a parent, you have perhaps one of the greatest responsibilities that anyone could have in life. You are to care for your young children, making sure that they are safe and doing what you can to keep them out of harm’s way.

The California police department is offering some advice that can help in this regard. They want parents to be prepared when they enter into a large crowd. When we take our children into a large crowd, it presents one of the greatest dangers that we could experience. It only takes a moment for our child to break away and become lost or even worse, to be abducted.

The advice that the California police department is giving is not only sound advice, it is something that can save a life. Not only is an important for you to listen to it, you should share the word as well.

“Taking your young child to a big event, theme park, or other busy location?” begins the post. “Write your phone number on their wrist and cover it with liquid band aid in case you get separated.”

The post has pictures and instructions from a mother and blogger and the advice is some of the best you will ever get. In the morning, take a picture with your cell phone of your children and have a list of what they are wearing, their hairstyle and other identification marks.

The police department has given the advice to repost what they shared. It has been shared more than 7,000 times since then.

It may be unpleasant to think about the possibility of losing a child in a crowd, but that should not stop you from being prepared. Take the proper measures and it could save a life.

Make sure you share this vital information with your friends on Facebook.

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