A Simple Bar Of Soap Can Help Calm Restless Leg Syndrome

One of the more frustrating problems that we may experience is the discomfort of restless leg syndrome (RLS). It is a problem that can make us uncomfortable through the day. However, when it happens at night, it can be quite a frustrating experience for anyone.

Believe it or not, you may be able to treat the condition successfully if you just run to the store and grab a bar of soap. Here is how it works. When we suffer from restless leg syndrome, it can be a maddening problem. It seems as if you are just starting to relax when the issue occurs with your legs and you feel as if you are going to jump out of your skin.

It becomes necessary to stretch your legs but regardless of how much you stretch them, you still are going to experience the problem. It seems that nothing wants to take the sensational way. Doctors are not fully aware of why restless leg syndrome occurs. They may provide you with a prescription but it is unlikely that it is going to hit the mark. If they do provide something that gives relief, the relief is typically temporary. After all, they are treating the symptom, not the cause.

Believe it or not, the solution to the leg cramps you are experiencing may be as simple as grabbing a bar of soap. If you have never tried sleeping with a bar of soap under the covers near your feet, you may just want to give it a go tonight.


It may seem strange, but an open bar of soap in bed has helped many people to deal with the frustration of restless leg syndrome. It may be a simple solution, but it might just be what you need to help suppress the symptoms while you are sleeping.

Using soap for restless leg syndrome is becoming popular, as it was shown on an episode of Dr. Oz. After recommending this treatment, telling them to put lavender soap near their feet and under the sheets while they slept, many people have tried it. He said lavender was better because it produced a relaxing scent.

Actually, a plain bar of Ivory soap may work just as well and it is less expensive.

Nobody knows why this helps with restless leg syndrome but it may produce the results you want. Give it a try, it is a simple solution but one that tends to work.

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