Some Genius Finally Came Up With A Head Hammock So You Can Sleep On A Plane!

It can be quite exciting to take a long trip but there is a problem that many people tend to experience. When they are on a long flight, they may have a problem falling asleep.

It’s not that they are not tired, it’s the fact that they constantly do a “head bob” and that can be quite frustrating. It seems as if somebody has finally come up with a solution that really works. Paula Blankenship is the mastermind behind this idea and she came up with the plan when she had a difficulty falling asleep on an airplane. The product is known as a Nodpod and it allows you to sleep upright on a plane because it re-creates the way that you sleep in bed at night. It allows your head to be at a 90 degree angle, even though you are not laying flat.

The Nodpod cord was designed so it did not cover the TV screen behind you. You can use it on an airplane, on a train or even when you are traveling by bus. You never need to worry about a sleepless trip and you can arrive for your vacation refreshed and ready to take on the day.



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