These DIY Labels Are A Lot Easier Than You Would Think

If there is one thing that most of us have in common, it’s the fact that we tend to have a lot of stuff around the home. For some people it is seen in the form of clutter and we may battle it on a regular basis. For other people, however, the stuff is not really cluttering the home but it does lead to a rather interesting problem.

When we have a lot of stuff around the home, it tends to find its way into a certain area. Perhaps we live by the motto, “a place for everything and everything in its place.” If that is the case, you likely have some storage issues that include wondering where things are actually stored from time to time. That is what this DIY project is designed to do. It allows you to create labels to you actually have a special place for all of your stuff.

Even if you don’t struggle with clutter around the home, you may be teetering on the brink at any given time. A problem with clutter can show itself in many ways and once it is a problem, you might struggle with it for years. Something that you need to keep in mind is that clutter is not just a problem with a space issue, it can also affect you on a personal level. Studies have shown that clutter can lead to both physical and mental problems, so labeling things properly is a good step to take toward keeping things in their proper place.

The nice thing about this project is that it is very easy to do. One you put the supplies together, you can begin making these homemade labels in no time at all.

Marterials Needed

Computer printer
Packing tape
Popsicle stick
Bowl of water


Design the labels on the computer, and print out the designs.

Use the packing tape to completely cover the front of the label.

Use the popsicle stick to press and smooth down the packing tape over the label.

Once the label has been covered with packing tape, trim the sides to the desired shape you would like the label to be (you can try measuring it up against the container you will be using prior to cutting).

Place the label into a bowl of water for about 30 seconds.

Begin to rub off the paper using your fingers.

When all the paper is removed, put the label onto your container and smooth out with your hands.

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